A passenger train collided with a stationary goods train near Kavarapettai, Tamil Nadu, causing the derailment of six coaches from the Mysuru-Darbhanga Express. The accident injured at least 19 passengers, but no fatalities have been reported. Following the incident, 18 trains were canceled, and a high-level inquiry has been initiated to investigate the cause, including potential signal failure or tampering. Restoration efforts and rescue operations are ongoing
#TamilNaduTrainAccident #TrainCollision #RailwayAccident #MysuruDarbhangaExpress #PassengerTrainDerailment #KavarapettaiAccident #TrainDerailment #RailwaySafety #TrainCrashInvestigation #InjuredPassengers #TrainServicesCancelled #RailDisruption #SignalFailureProbe #RailwayRestoration #EmergencyRescue #IndiaRailways #TrainSafety#OneIndia #OneIndiaNews